
Glossary term: 南十字星

Description: 南十字星是南半球星座南十字座的俗称。它有五颗肉眼可见的恒星,形成一个长十字,结构紧凑,易于辨认。南十字座是 88 个官方星座中覆盖天球面积最小的星座。其中最亮的恒星 alpha Crucis 是一个三星系统,而 beta Crucis 则是一颗造父变星。南十字座还包含一个令人惊叹的疏散星团——宝盒星团(NGC 4755)。南十字座可以用来帮助寻找南方和天体的南极,它的图案也出现在澳大利亚、巴西、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚和萨摩亚的国旗上。

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Term and definition status: The original definition of this term in English have been approved by a research astronomer and a teacher
The translation of this term and its definition is still awaiting approval

The OAE Multilingual Glossary is a project of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) in collaboration with the IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO). The terms and definitions were chosen, written and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits here. All glossary terms and their definitions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE".

If you notice a factual or translation error in this glossary term or definition then please get in touch.

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The Southern Cross forms a kite shape in front of the mottled light and dark patches of the Milky Way.

Cen-Lup-Cru-Panorama: Centaurus Carrying the Beast and Riding Along the Milky Way

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   This image was taken in February 2020 in the Coquimbo Region along the northern coast of Chile. It is one of the best places on Earth for astronomical observations, thanks to its clear skies, lack of light pollution and lack of precipitation, as it is close to the Atacama desert, one of the driest places on our planet. It is no coincidence that many of the most modern professional observatories are located here. The picture shows prominent patterns visible in the southern latitudes, containing rich cultural significance for various Indigenous groups of the southern world. In the bottom of the image towards the right, the Southern Cross is prominent. The orange star at the top of the Southern Cross is called Gacrux (gamma crux). The people in Chile celebrate the beginning of winter at the beginning of May when the constellation Crux is high up in the sky; for them it is a symbol of the start of the cold season. For the festival of the Cruz de Mayo (the Great Cross), they put candles next to crosses in their villages when the constellation Crux is high. As in Christianity, the four endpoints (stars) of the cross symbolise the cardinal virtues. For some indigenous Chileans, they represent the fundamental cultural principles: force, reciprocity, wisdom, and spirituality. Unlike modern constellations that are arrangements of several stars, Indigenous peoples sometimes associate stories with individual stars. In the case of the Southern Cross for example, the Boorong, Djab Wurrung and Jardwadjali peoples of Australia refer to the star Gacrux as Bunya (the ring-tailed possum). From the Southern Cross to the left of the image are two bright stars, these are called the pointer stars (as they point to the Southern Cross). The Djab Wurrung and Jardwadjali people refer to the pointer stars as the Bram-bram-bult brothers, who hunted and killed the giant Emu Tchingal. Alpha Centauri, which is the brighter and whiter of the two pointer stars, is the closest star to the Sun that we can see with our eyes, located just over four light-years away. To the bottom left of the Southern Cross is a dark nebula, which the Indigenous Australians see as the head of the Emu Tchnigal (the Coalsack Nebula). The pointers are located on the neck of the Emu. The image also shows two other IAU constellations, Centaurus (The Centaur) and Lupus (The Wolf), and HII regions of the Eta Carina Nebula (seen in pink).
Credit: Uwe Reichert/IAU OAE

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Over trees with thick trunks, the Milky Way, with several bright objects left and right, is bisected by a wide dark line.

Milky Way over Avenue of Baobabs

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   This image, taken from the Avenue of Baobabs, Morondava, Madagascar, in July 2017, shows the majestic band of the Milky Way, our home galaxy, together with a rich collection of constellations and asterisms: Crux, Centaurus, Scorpius, Sagittarius and the Teapot asterism. Towards the bottom left of the image we can see the Southern Cross and the pointer stars Alpha (the brighter of the two) and Beta Centauri, which help to distinguish it from similar-looking configurations. Some cultures in Africa associate the Southern Cross with a giraffe, while others associate the constellations with a pride of lions or even with the Tree of Life. Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, is the orange-red star straight up from the middle baobab tree. To the Pokomo people from southwestern Kenya, Africa, the Milky Way is associated with the smoke emanating from a campfire lit by ancient people. The various people in South Africa, in contrast, have different star tales; the Khoikhoi from the region around Cape Town explained the colours of the red and white stars as red and white roots that were roasted on a fire and thrown towards the sky together with the ashes of the fire. The Xhosa from further east consider the Milky Way the raised bristle of a huge angry dog, while the Zulu from near Johannesburg interpret it as a stream of spears of their strongest warriors. Polynesian people, who were adept seafarers and navigators, see the constellation Scorpius as a fish hook, and refer to it as the demigod Maui’s Fish Hook. For the Djab Wurrung and the Jardwadjali people, the Southern Cross is part of a Dreamtime Story involving Tchingal, the Bram-bram-bult brothers (the pointer stars), their mother Druk (Delta Crux), and Bunya, the hunter who gets changed into a possum (Gacrux, red star at the top of the Southern Cross). In this image, the planets Saturn (the bright point above Antares) and Jupiter (the bright point at the bottom-right of the image close to the trunk of the baobab tree) are visible. Indigenous cultures have various stories associated with the planets, for example Kamilaroi and Wailan people associate Saturn with wunygal, a small bird. The Boorong people of Western Victoria associate Jupiter with Ginabongbearp, the chief of the old spirits (Nurrumbunguttias), who takes the totemic form of the sulphur-crested white cockatoo.
Credit: Amirreza Kamkar/IAU OAE

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Caption: 2022年国际天文学联合会(IAU)OAE天文摄影比赛静态天体图案类别获奖作品。 这张照片2016年7月拍摄于肯尼亚安博塞利国家公园,该公园位于赤道附近。 在北非的埃及神话中,银河被看作神灵所航行的河流。南非的祖鲁人将这种由明暗星云组成的图案解释为一种皮肤黑白相间的动物,而南非的科伊科伊人和桑人则认为它是“星路”。在南非的一些文化中,银河的拱门是一位母神创造的通往天堂的道路——这是19世纪的早期人类学研究所采纳的一个南非创世神话,但这一神话如今已经消失。 在照片的右中部,我们可以看到现代天蝎座中明亮的红色恒星心宿二。照片左上角边缘是白色的织女星,开普敦附近的人认为它是雄性的骏马。 澳大利亚原住民对银河有很多称呼。澳大利亚北领地阿纳姆地区的约尔努(Yolnu)人称呼银河为“Milnguya”,意为“天河”。这张照片中的一个突出图案与银河的明暗区域对比有关。 这些暗区是由星际尘埃和气体组成的低温致密云团,阻挡了其背后恒星发出的光线。其中一个突出的图案被澳大利亚南部几个土著民族称为“Tchingal”,意为“天上的鸸鹋”。鸸鹋的头部和嘴部(即煤袋星云)位于南十字座(照片右下角)的左下方,身体和腿部则从南十字座向左延伸。其他原住民群体则将暗区与洞穴或水道联系在一起。鸸鹋一年四季的朝向提供了重要的线索,表明什么时候应该采集鸸鹋蛋,什么时候鸸鹋蛋开始孵化。在某些月份,当这些银河暗云靠近地平线时,人们则认为它们不是鸸鹋,而是两条匍匐前进的鳄鱼。 在银河系中心的上方,可以清楚地看到黑暗的烟斗星云的现代形象。银河上方那颗橙红色的恒星是天蝎座的心宿二,而烟斗的烟雾可以到达心宿二旁边色彩斑斓的蛇夫座ρ区域。波隆人把心宿二称为“Djuit”,意为“红腰鹦鹉”;而西部沙漠的科卡塔人则把心宿二称为“Kogolongo”,意为“红尾黑凤头鹦鹉”。 此外,照片中还可以看到一些著名的星座:天鹅座、天鹰座、天琴座、天蝎座、人马座、南十字座和半人马座。在南非的一些传统中,指针星——半人马座α星(南门二)和β星(马腹一)偶尔被视为野兽的眼睛。
Credit: Amirreza Kamkar/IAU OAE

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Caption: 2022年国际天文学联合会(IAU)OAE天文摄影比赛静态天体图案类别荣誉奖作品。 这张照片于2016年3 月在印度尼西亚爪哇岛的婆罗摩腾格塞梅鲁国家公园拍摄,展现了银河形成的拱桥和许多突出的星座,包括了夜空中最显著的亮星。 在照片左下角,我们可以看到南门二和马腹一,前者较低,后者较高,都位于的巨大的半人马座中。可由它们的指引找到南十字座,南十字座的长轴指向南天极,而南天极大致位于地平线上,这是因为爪哇岛几乎位于赤道上。南十字座几乎完全被云层遮挡,照片中只能看到四颗明亮的星星。而南船座中的恒星组成的赝十字星群,在稍远处的银河上方也明显可见,容易使人混淆。 真正的南十字座和赝十字星群之间的粉红色斑点是船底座星云,距离地球约8500光年,位于船底座,肉眼看不到。在船底座,我们还可以看到夜空中第二亮的恒星——老人星,它就在银河和地面道路之间。 更亮的是天狼星,夜空中最亮的恒星。天狼星位于大犬座,大犬座是猎户座的两只猎犬之一。猎户座在照片的右半部分,地平线附近云层的上方。猎户座的腰带上有三颗明亮的恒星,其连线左上指向天狼星,右下指向堪堪露出地平线的毕宿五。 猎户座包含了天空中最亮的几颗恒星,是色彩最丰富的星座,因为它拥有参宿七——银河下方靠右的一颗蓝色亮星,以及参宿四——参宿七右上方较高位置的一颗红色亮星。在它们之间,三颗恒星组成了著名的星群——猎户座腰带。猎户座大星云就在猎户座腰带旁边,这是一个恒星形成区,其明亮的中心即便用肉眼看也清晰可见,在这张照片中也是如此清晰。 在参宿四的上方,银河的另一侧,可以看到明亮的南河三,其英文名称Procyon的字面意思是”在狗之前“。在希腊神话中,它被看作由单颗恒星组成的星群,是与猎户座相伴的小猎犬,后来演变成了现代的小犬座。 在照片右上角,巨蟹座的蜂巢星团很容易辨认。在其下方,可以看到双子座的北河二和北河三,它们在这张照片中并不显眼。与之形成鲜明对比的是,御夫座的明亮白色恒星五车二,在照片右边缘中部的云层中闪闪发光。 在地面道路周围可以看到一些光污染。
Credit: Giorgia Hofer/IAU OAE

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The Milky Way over a cloudy landscape. A triangle of bright objects is visible on the left of the image.

Equatorial Milky Way

Caption: Honourable mention in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns: Equatorial Milky Way   Taken in Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, Java Island, Indonesia, in March 2016, this image captures regions of the southern Milky Way and, at its left edge, the two planets Mars and Saturn. Mars appears orange and is similar in colour to the star Antares, whose Greek name — anti Ares — references this. Saturn is a little bit fainter than Mars, but clearly visible among the stars of Ophiuchus, above the Pipe Nebula and forming an isosceles triangle with Mars and Antares. Mars is on the top and Saturn is vertically below. Visible to the naked eye, both planets have significance in many cultures around the world. In Roman mythology Mars is the god of war and fertility, and Saturn the god of sowing and agriculture. Its Greek equivalent, the god Kronos, is also considered the regent of completion. Indigenous Australians, including the Kamilaroi and Wailan people, associate Saturn with “wunygal”, a small bird. Mars is called Iherm-penh (something burnt in flames) by the Anmatyerre people of the Central Desert, while the Kokatha people of the Western Desert associate Mars and the star Anatres with the red-tailed black cockatoo (Kogolongo). In the middle of this photograph, the most famous southern constellations are clearly recognisable: the Southern Cross (Crux), the pointer stars, Alpha and Beta Centauri, the dark Coalsack Nebula and the red Eta Carina Nebula, which is not visible to the unaided eye but is prominent in modern photographs. In the 19th century, the star eta Carinae had been the second-brightest star in the sky for some time, but since it varies irregularly, it has hardly been recognisable in recent decades, and its future visibility is unpredictable. Triangulum Australe is visible between the pointer stars and the Scorpion, and in the constellation of Centaurus, the bright globular star cluster Omega Centauri is clearly displayed. It was considered a “nebulous star” since antiquity and, thus, was listed in star catalogues for at least 2000 years. Only within the last century did astronomers discover that globular star clusters are in the halo of our galaxy and that this one consists of roughly 10 million stars. The dark regions in the Milky Way, which are cool, dense clouds of dust and gas, form the head and body of the Celestial Emu Tchingal. Together with the Southern Cross and the pointer stars, they appear in the Dreamtime stories of many Indigenous Australians. One story associated with the Djab Wurrung and the Jardwadjali people is part of a Dreamtime Story involving Tchingal, the Bram-bram-bult brothers (the pointer stars), their mother Druk (Delta Crux), and Bunya the hunter, who gets transformed into a possum (Gacrux, the red star at the top of the Southern Cross).
Credit: Giorgia Hofer/IAU OAE

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The curve of the Milky Way bisected on the left by a huge dark arch. Below appear two bright, diffuse patches.

The Milky Way Over Anglers Reach

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   The Milky Way and several astronomical objects are seen in this image taken from the southern hemisphere, in Anglers Reach, Australia, in April 2022. On the bottom-left side we can identify the constellation Scorpius with its brightest star, Antares, the reddish spot just above the arc. Some prominent but small southern constellations can also be seen: the dominating bright stars in the middle-left of the image in the Milky Way are the four bright stars of Crux (the Southern Cross) and to its left the two pointer stars, alpha and beta Centauri. Crux points towards the southern celestial pole, which is not marked by a bright star, and The pointer stars point towards Crux, distinguishing it from the asterism of the False Cross in the constellation Argo. Crux features on the national flags of Australia, Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and New Zealand. As Crux lies in the brightest parts of the Milky Way, the dark cloud of the famous Coalsack Nebula is prominent next to the bright stars. It forms one of the dark constellations in South American, South African and Australian indigenous cultures. The huge Australian dark constellation of the Emu is almost completely above the horizon in this image, stretching from its head in the Coal Sack to the horizon. In Greek antiquity, the stars of Crux also belonged to the constellation Centaurus, a hybrid creature with a human torso and head attached to a horse body with four legs. The Greek centaur represents Chiron, the wise teacher of all Greek heroes. Its brightest star is Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri), the front hoof of the centaur. Just below it, we find the small constellation Triangulum Australe. The triple star system of Alpha Centauri is our Sun’s nearest stellar neighbour. Along the Milky Way in the middle-right of the picture we find the huge constellation Argo, the Ship. The smaller ancient constellation Argo was extended by Dutch navigators around 1600, and the number of stars in this constellation was then so big that the 18th-century French mathematician Lacaille needed to introduce subtitles for Argo in his star catalogue. In doing so, he invented the constellations Puppis, Carina and Vela. In Carina, the Keel of the ship, this reddish photograph clearly displays the Carina Nebula. At the right edge of the image we can spot the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, while the second brightest star, Canopus, the rudder of Argo, the Ship, dominates the area under the arch of the Milky Way. Also below the Milky Way arc, we can see the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, which are small satellite galaxies of our own Galaxy.
Credit: Lucy Yunxi Hu/IAU OAE

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Caption: 这段视频展示了银河在茫茫星空中的璀璨光芒。在群星的大剧场中,南十字星座占据了一席之地,其独特的十字形状在本视频的顶部可见,就在银河系上方,稍微向右。随着视频的推进,南十字座慢慢消失在视野。这个天文记号是南半球的一个突出特征,具有文化和导航意义,几个世纪以来一直是航行路标。与银河的壮观相伴的是两朵麦哲伦云,它们是在遥远天空中翩翩起舞的伙伴。船底座星云为宇宙全景增添了空灵缥缈的光辉,在黑暗中描绘出一种璀璨的色调。在这场天体芭蕾中,温和的绿色笼罩着大气层,这种现象被称为 "气辉",为夜空增添了一抹微妙的荧光。地面上也有飞机从头顶飞过和车辆在天文台建筑之间行驶的景象。这幅延时摄影是从智利的拉西亚天文台拍摄的,它是一扇通往迷人星舞的窗口,让我们得以一窥银河系令人惊叹的美景和南天的地标。
Credit: José Rodrigues/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

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Caption: 这幅延时摄影作品拍摄于 2023 年 6 月从智利圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马,展现了南十字星在夜空中壮丽的旅程,指引着南天极周围的天空旋转,直到它优雅地落下。满天繁星的画布展示了银河的壮丽,以及围绕南天极旋转的大麦哲伦云和小麦哲伦云。显著的星座包括十字、半人马座、天蝎座和以前的阿尔戈船座(船尾座、帆座、船座)也都可见。整个景象在夜幕降临后不久开始,捕捉到坎普斯星的耀眼下降,这颗明亮的星星即将沉入地平线。在序列中,可以隐约看到经过的飞机、闪烁的汽车车灯、漂浮的云朵以及神秘的空气辉光。在一个惊艳的时刻,一颗流星划过天空,璀璨的火球在大约第41秒时短暂点亮画面的右下角。随着序列的发展,升起的月亮优雅地照亮了风景,把光辉洒在静卧于阿塔卡马盐滩干燥尘土中的古老树干上。这段迷人的夜空之旅在黎明前结束,提供了一瞥交织在圣佩德罗·阿塔卡玛夜晚风景中的天体奇迹。
Credit: Uwe Reichert/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

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Caption: 这段延时摄影视频捕捉到了来自世界不同角落的两个标志性星座,一段跨越了多个大陆的宇宙之旅正在展开。从中国开始,北斗七星在夜空中熠熠生辉,作为文化叙事中的坚定向导,它的光芒标志着这场漫长的天体征途的开始。北斗七星的勺口二星指向北极星,随着星空的旋转,北极星似乎保持静止不动。在尼泊尔的崇山峻岭中,北斗七星的熟悉感依然存在,在随着地球的自转而不断变化的全景中,它是一个可靠的锚点。来到智利,南十字星点缀着苍穹,象征着南半球的星空。来自智利的画面展现了银河系映衬下的南十字星。在纳米比亚,H.E.S.S.天文台的望远镜出现在视频中。随后,在遮天蔽日的大树下,北斗七星继续在天体中熠熠生辉,与满天繁星交相辉映。利用不同的技术——鱼眼镜头、静态相机和地球运动跟踪,每一帧画面都展现了南十字星在各种不同地景映衬下的壮丽景象。这些以星轨和地球自转为标志的序列,突出了北斗七星和南十字星的永恒存在,架起了跨越南北两个半球的桥梁,沟通了世界文化,连通了天体之美。
Credit: Jianfeng Dai/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

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Related Diagrams

The four bright stars of Crux form a kite shape with the long axis pointing vertically

Crux Constellation Map

Caption: The constellation Crux (commonly known as the Southern Cross or Crux Australis) showing its bright stars and surrounding constellations. The Southern Cross is surrounding by (going clockwise from the top) Centaurus, Carina and Musca. The brightest star is alpha Crucis which appears at the bottom of the constellation's famous kite shape. The Southern Cross is visible from southern and equatorial regions of the world. In more southerly parts of the world it is circumpolar so is always above the horizon. In other parts of the southern hemisphere and in equatorial regions it is most visible in the evenings in the southern hemisphere autumn. The yellow circles show the locations of two open clusters, NGC 4755 (known as the Jewel Box) and NGC 4609. The line joining gamma and alpha Crucis (the third and first brightest stars in the Southern Cross) points in the approximate direction of the South Celestial Pole. This has led to the Southern Cross playing an important role in celestial navigation, allowing navigators from different astronomical traditions to find their bearings. The y-axis of this diagram is in degrees of declination with north as up and the x-axis is in hours of right ascension with east to the left. The sizes of the stars marked here relate to the star's apparent magnitude, a measure of its apparent brightness. The larger dots represent brighter stars. The Greek letters mark the brightest stars in the constellation. These are ranked by brightness with the brightest star being labeled alpha, the second brightest beta, etc., although this ordering is not always followed exactly. The dotted boundary lines mark the IAU's boundaries of the constellations and the solid green lines mark one of the common forms used to represent the figures of the constellations. Neither the constellation boundaries, nor the lines joining the stars appear on the sky.
Credit: Adapted by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education from the original by IAU/Sky & Telescope.

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons 署名 4.0 国际 (CC BY 4.0) icons

Musca appears as a crudely-drawn arrow pointing south east

Musca Constellation Map

Caption: The constellation Musca with its bright stars and surrounding constellations. Musca is surrounded by (going clockwise from the top): Crux, Centaurus, Carina, Chamaeleon, Apus and Circinus. Musca is a southern constellation and thus the whole constellation is visible at some point in the year throughout the southern hemisphere. The whole constellation is visible to a thin strip of the northern hemisphere near the equator with parts of the constellation visible to other northern equatorial regions. Musca is circumpolar in temperate and antarctic regions of the southern hemisphere. Musca is best viewed in the evening in the northern hemisphere late spring and southern hemisphere late autumn. The globular clusters NGC 4372 and NGC 4833 lie in Musca and are marked here with yellow circles with plus signs superimposed on them. The y-axis of this diagram is in degrees of declination with north as up and the x-axis is in hours of right ascension with east to the left. The sizes of the stars marked here relate to the star's apparent magnitude, a measure of its apparent brightness. The larger dots represent brighter stars. The Greek letters mark the brightest stars in the constellation. These are ranked by brightness with the brightest star being labeled alpha, the second brightest beta, etc., although this ordering is not always followed exactly. The dotted boundary lines mark the IAU's boundaries of the constellations and the solid green lines mark one of the common forms used to represent the figures of the constellations. Neither the constellation boundaries, nor the lines joining the stars appear on the sky.
Credit: Adapted by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education from the original by the IAU and Sky & Telescope

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons 署名 4.0 国际 (CC BY 4.0) icons