
This page describes an image Starry Night over Eifel national park, by Dong Han, China

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Image caption: First place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Light pollution.

Light pollution results from the excess of artificial light produced by human endeavours mainly as a side effect of industrialisation. This kind of pollution is usually most noticeable around well populated areas associated with intense human activities, such as street lighting, lights from the transportation system, buildings and houses. But it can also come from other places, such as ships and oil platforms in the sea. This image taken in a national park in Belgium in 2018 shows the detrimental effect of light pollution on the most precious resource that connects all humans together – the night sky.
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Image credit: Dong Han/IAU OAE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5366218
Related glossary terms: Light Pollution
Categories: Naked Eye Astronomy

Image license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".

Captions in Different Languages:

Image caption: المركز الأول في مسابقة التصوير الفلكي التي نظمها مكتب تعليم الفلك التابع لاتحاد الفلك الدولي سنة 2021، فئة التلوث الضوئي.

التلوث الضوئي ينتج عن زيادة الضوء الاصطناعي بسبب الانشطة البشرية كأثر جانبي للتطور الحضاري. عادة ما يكون هذا النوع من التلوث أكثر وضوحا في المناطق المكتظة بالسكان والمرتبطة بالأنشطة البشرية المكثفة ، مثل إضاءة الشوارع والأضواء من نظام النقل والمباني والمنازل. ولكن يمكن أن يأتي من أماكن أخرى ، مثل السفن ومنصات النفط في البحر. تُظهر هذه الصورة التي التقطت في الحديقة الوطنية في بلجيكا سنة 2018 التأثير الضار للتلوث الضوئي على أثمن مورد يربط جميع البشر معا وهو (سماء الليل).
Image credit: دونغ هان/ اتحاد الفلك الدولي- مكتب تعليم الفلك
Related glossary terms: Light Pollution
Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Ali Al-Edhari
Caption reviewers: Ahmed Abulwfa

Image caption: Premier prix du concours d'astrophotographie 2021 de l'UAI OAE, catégorie Pollution lumineuse.

La pollution lumineuse résulte de l'excès de lumière artificielle produite par les activités humaines, principalement en tant qu'effet secondaire de l'industrialisation. Ce type de pollution est généralement plus visible autour des zones bien peuplées associées à des activités humaines intenses, telles que l'éclairage des rues, les lumières du système de transport, les bâtiments et les maisons. Mais elle peut également provenir d'autres endroits, comme les navires et les plates-formes pétrolières en mer. Cette image prise dans un parc national en Belgique en 2018 montre l'effet néfaste de la pollution lumineuse sur la ressource la plus précieuse qui relie tous les humains entre eux : le ciel nocturne.
Image credit: Dong Han/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: Pollution lumineuse
Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: François Dulieu

Image caption: Primo posto al concorso di astrofotografia IAU OAE 2021, categoria 'Inquinamento luminoso'.

L'inquinamento luminoso consiste nell'eccesso di luce artificiale prodotta dall'uomo, ed è uno dei principali effetti collaterali del processo di industrializzazione. Questo tipo di inquinamento è decisamente più marcato nelle aree ad elevata densità di popolazione, ed è riconducibile all'intensa attività umana. È una conseguenza, per esempio, dell'illuminazione pubblica, e delle luci dei mezzi di trasporto, degli uffici e delle abitazioni private. Ma le sue fonti sono innumerevoli, e comprendono perfino le navi e le piattaforme petrolifere in mare aperto. Questa immagine, scattata in un parco nazionale del Belgio nel 2018, mostra l'effetto deleterio dell'inquinamento luminoso sulla risorsa più preziosa che unisce tutti gli esseri umani: il cielo notturno.
Image credit: Dong Han/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: Inquinamento luminoso
Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Giuliana Giobbi, Emanuele Nardini
Caption reviewers: Rosa Valiante, Rodolfo Canestrari