This page describes an image A Matter of Perspective
Image caption:
This exquisite series of images, captured from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, between 17 December 2019 and 25 May 2020, shows the phases of Venus as seen from Earth. As Venus and Earth orbit the Sun, we observe different portions of Venus’s sunlit half, similar to the Moon’s phases. The sequence clearly shows Venus as distant, small, bright and gibbous in the lower frames, and ends with Venus reaching the biggest apparent size of all planets (upper frames), very close to the Sun with a small elongation, and appearing as a thin crescent. In the last frame, only 2.8% of the planet’s surface is illuminated.
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Image credit:
Christofer Baez/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10278513
Related glossary terms:
, Venus
Solar System
Image license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons
The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".
If you notice a factual error in this caption or an error in any of its translations then please get in touch.
Captions in Different Languages:
Image caption: 17 ডিসেম্বর 2019 এবং 25 মে 2020 এর মধ্যে ডোমিনিকান রিপাবলিকের সান্টো ডোমিঙ্গো থেকে ধারণ করা চিত্রগুলির এই দুর্দান্ত সিরিজ, পৃথিবী থেকে দেখা শুক্রের পর্যায়গুলি দেখায়। যেহেতু শুক্র এবং পৃথিবী সূর্যকে প্রদক্ষিণ করে, আমরা চাঁদের পর্যায়গুলির অনুরূপ শুক্রের সূর্যালোক অর্ধেকের বিভিন্ন অংশ পর্যবেক্ষণ করি। ক্রমটি স্পষ্টভাবে শুক্রকে নীচের ফ্রেমে দূরবর্তী, ছোট, উজ্জ্বল এবং উভ উত্তল হিসাবে দেখায় এবং শুক্র সমস্ত গ্রহের (উপরের ফ্রেমের) সবচেয়ে বড় আপাত আকারে পৌঁছে, একটি ছোট প্রসারণ সহ সূর্যের খুব কাছে এবং একটি পাতলা আকারে উপস্থিত হওয়ার সাথে শেষ হয়। অর্ধচন্দ্র শেষ ফ্রেমে, গ্রহের পৃষ্ঠের মাত্র 2.8% আলোকিত হয়।
Image credit: ক্রিস্টোফার বেজ/আই.এ.উ ও.এ.ই (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Phase , Venus Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Raktim Mukherjee
Image caption: Diese außergewöhnliche Bilderserie, die zwischen dem 17. Dezember 2019 und dem 25. Mai 2020 von Santo Domingo in der Dominikanischen Republik aus aufgenommen wurde, zeigt die Phasen der Venus von der Erde aus gesehen. Während Venus und Erde die Sonne umkreisen, beobachten wir verschiedene Teilbereiche der sonnenbeschienenen Hälfte der Venus, ähnlich wie bei den Mondphasen. Die Sequenz zeigt die Venus in den unteren Teilbildern deutlich als weit entfernt, klein, hell und mehr als halb voll. Sie endet bei den oberen Bildern mit der Venus als scheinbar größtem aller Planeten, die mit einer kleinen Elongation sehr nahe an der Sonne steht und als dünne Sichel erscheint. In der letzten Aufnahme sind nur 2,8 % der Planetenoberfläche beleuchtet.
Image credit: Christofer Baez/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Phase , Venus (Planet) Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Carolin Liefke
Image caption: Second prix du concours d'astrophotographie 2023 de l'UAI OAE, catégorie Images fixes des phases de Vénus : Une question de perspective, par Christofer Baez
La deuxième place dans la catégorie Images fixes des phases de Vénus revient à cette exquise série d'images, photographiées depuis Saint-Domingue, en République dominicaine, entre le 17 décembre 2019 et le 25 mai 2020. Alors que Vénus et la Terre gravitent autour du Soleil, nous observons différentes portions de la moitié ensoleillée de Vénus, similaires aux phases de la Lune. La séquence montre clairement que Vénus est lointaine, petite, brillante et gibbeuse dans les images du bas, et se termine par Vénus atteignant la plus grande taille apparente de toutes les planètes (images du haut), très proche du Soleil avec une petite élongation, et apparaissant comme un mince croissant. Dans la dernière image, seulement 2,8 % de la surface de la planète est éclairée.
Image credit: Christofer Baez/UAI OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Phase , Vénus Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Gilles Remy
Image caption: Secondo posto al concorso di astrofotografia IAU OAE 2023, categoria Immagini fisse delle fasi di Venere: Una questione di prospettiva, di Christofer Baez
Il secondo posto nella categoria Immagini fisse di fasi di Venere va a questa squisita serie di immagini, catturate da Santo Domingo, Repubblica Dominicana, tra il 17 dicembre 2019 e il 25 maggio 2020. Mentre Venere e la Terra orbitano intorno al Sole, osserviamo diverse porzioni della metà illuminata dal sole del pianeta Venere, in modo simile alle fasi lunari. La sequenza mostra chiaramente Venere distante, piccolo, luminoso e gibboso nei fotogrammi inferiori, e termina con Venere che raggiunge le maggiori dimensioni apparenti di tutti i pianeti (fotogrammi superiori), molto vicino al Sole con una piccola elongazione, e appare come una sottile falce. Nell'ultimo fotogramma, solo il 2,8% della superficie illuminata del pianeta è visibile.
Image credit: Christofer Baez/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Fase , Venere (pianeta) Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Valentina La Parola
Image caption: 这组精美的图像是在2019年12月17日至2020年5月25日期间,在多米尼加共和国的圣多明各拍摄的,展示了在地球上看到的金星相位。当金星和地球围绕太阳运行时,我们观察到金星被阳光照亮的不同半球部分,与月相类似。序列图的下方清晰地展示了金星在较远位置时,呈现为小而明亮的凸状,并最终在接近太阳时达到所有行星中最大的视直径(图像上方),呈现为一细长的弦状。在最后一帧中,仅有2.8%的金星表面被照亮。
Image credit: 克里斯托弗·巴埃斯/国际天文学联合会教育办公室 (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: 相位 , 金星 Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Li Jiankang
Caption reviewers: Jing Liang
Image caption: 這組精美的圖像是在2019年12月17日至2020年5月25日期間,在多米尼加共和國的聖多明各拍攝的,展示了在地球上看到的金星相位。當金星和地球圍繞太陽運行時,我們觀察到金星被陽光照亮的不同半球部分,與月相類似。序列圖的下方清晰地展示了金星在較遠位置時,呈現為小而明亮的凸狀,並最終在接近太陽時達到所有行星中最大的視直徑(圖像上方),呈現為一細長的弦狀。在最後一幀中,僅有2.8%的金星表面被照亮。
Image credit: 克里斯托弗·巴埃斯/國際天文學聯合會教育辦公室 (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: 相位 , 金星 Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: An automated transliteration from the simplified Chinese translation by - Li Jiankang