
Emilio Zuniga
Team Chair, NAEC team - Nicaragua
ASAFILE - Asociation of Amateur Astronomers of Leon
I am an amateur astronomer and a very passionate educator. Currently, I am working for the internationalization office of Universidad Technological La Salle (La Salle Technological University) in León, Nicaragua.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
Team Chair, NAEC team - Nicaragua
ASAFILE - Asociation of Amateur Astronomers of Leon
I am an amateur astronomer and a very passionate educator. Currently, I am working for the internationalization office of Universidad Technological La Salle (La Salle Technological University) in León, Nicaragua.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Cristian Escorcia
Team Contact Person, NAEC team - Nicaragua
CADEJOSNI - Nicaraguan Association of Amateur Astronomy Los Cadejos
Co-founder of CadejosNi, Electronics Engineer, and a man always eager to learn something new about science and technology to pass it on to others.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
Team Contact Person, NAEC team - Nicaragua
CADEJOSNI - Nicaraguan Association of Amateur Astronomy Los Cadejos
Co-founder of CadejosNi, Electronics Engineer, and a man always eager to learn something new about science and technology to pass it on to others.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Vannini Julio
Team Member, NAEC team - Nicaragua
Asociacion Nicaragüense de Astrónomos Aficionados - ANASA
Chair of ANASA, Science teacher, and IT professional. Working in science communication to the public and schools since 2005.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
Team Member, NAEC team - Nicaragua
Asociacion Nicaragüense de Astrónomos Aficionados - ANASA
Chair of ANASA, Science teacher, and IT professional. Working in science communication to the public and schools since 2005.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
To get in touch with the NAEC team for Nicaragua please contact:
Cristian Escorcia via cris.escorcia13atgmail.com
Astronomy Education in Nicaragua
For more information on Astronomy Education in Nicaragua, see the Astronomy Education in Nicaragua document (PDF file 221.95 kB Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) icons) prepared by our NAEC team