
The IAU OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinator team for Spain

OAE NAEC Team logo for Spain
Juan Ángel Vaquerizo
Juan Ángel Vaquerizo
Team Chair and Contact Person, NAEC team - Spain
Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, CSIC-INTA)

After 15 years as science teacher, I joined the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) in 2007 as educational manager of the PARTNeR project (partner.cab.inta-csic.es). In 2009 I joined the Education & Public Outreach Department (Unidad de Cultura Científica, UCC) of the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, CSIC-INTA) as head of educational projects. Since 2016, I am working as UCC Officer. The main goal of the UCC is to disseminate the scientific advances in the field of astrobiology.
I also worked as scientific and content curator in exhibitions on space exploration: “Mars, the Conquest of a Dream” (2017) and “After the Moon. Exploring the Limits of Space” (2019).
Finally, I am member of the Spanish Royal Physics Society (Teaching of Physics Group) and member of the Spanish Society of Astronomy (Astronomy Teaching and Dissemination Group). I am currently working as researcher in Science Education, focused on the Teaching and Learning of Astronomy and Astrobiology. I have recently published my first outreach book “Mars and the enigma of life” (in Spanish).

Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Javier Armentia Fructuoso
Javier Armentia Fructuoso
Team Member, NAEC team - Spain
Planetario de Pamplona

Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Carolina Clavijo Aumont
Carolina Clavijo Aumont
Team Member, NAEC team - Spain
Instituto de Educación Secundaria Ítaca (Tomares, Sevilla)

I have a degree in Physics from the University of Seville, and I am a Secondary School Physics teacher .I am the principal of Ítaca High School, and President of the Association for the Teaching of Astronomy, ApEA, a national association that develops materials for the teaching of astronomy in primary, secondary school. My teaching model is based on the objectives set by the OECD for 2030, which promote student-centered teaching models and competencies that enable them to have the capacity for action, reflection and anticipation in the face of new situations. These skills are worked on with students through the development of STEAM projects with a learning by inquiry approach. My interest in promoting physics education that promotes gender equality in science, is shown by my participation in the project “Women and scientist” of the national network of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. I am also part of the network “I am an astronomer” , of the FAAE, which makes the work of women in astronomy visible through STEM projects, made as lesson plans on the website for remoting teaching. I show my interest in bringing physics teaching and research closer in my participation as leader of the project "Youth with researchers", in which students develop research projects with the University and Higher Centers for Scientific Research, essionals in physics and astronomy. My career as a teacher, disseminator and activist in physics teaching, has been recognized with different awards and distinctions, like: "Teaching and Dissemination of Physics in Secondary Education" Award granted by the RSEF and the BBVA Foundation (2022).

Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Aurelia Teresa Gallego Calvente
Dr Aurelia Teresa Gallego Calvente
Team Member, NAEC team - Spain
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Faculty of Physics. University of Valencia.

Teresa Gallego is currently a postdoc at the University of Valencia. She studied Physics at the University of Granada and received her PhD in Astronomy from the University of Granada and Castilla-La Mancha, specialising in radio interferometry.
While studying for her degree at the Faculty, she began to do outreach work in Astronomy at the Parque de las Ciencias in Granada, working in the Planetarium and as a room monitor at the Museum.
She has been a secondary school teacher, an operator at the professional IRAM 30m radio telescope in Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain), and worked since 2008 in the outreach of many research projects, and just as in the management, IT and scientific research of aforesaid projects.
She has dedicated part of her time to adapting outreach activities for people with disabilities, within the framework of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, at the Observatori Astronòmic of the University of Valencia, and at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía collaborating with the Astroaccesible project.
Finally remark that she has also been the Spanish language coordinator of the Astronomy Translation Network for the International Astronomical Union.

Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio
Dr Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio
Team Member, NAEC team - Spain
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

Nayra Rodríguez is coordinator of educational programs and science communicator at the Outreach and Press Unit of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC).
She studied Physics at the University of La Laguna (ULL), and completed her PhD in Astrophysics at the ULL - IAC, studying the physical and chemical properties of star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshifts.
Since 2011, she coordinates the Educational Project with Robotic Telescopes (PETeR), which allows Spanish students to investigate the Universe using professional robotic telescopes, such as the Liverpool Telescope or Las Cumbres Observatory. She organizes and delivers local, national and international teacher trainings on astronomy topics and the use of robotic telescopes in education.
She is also the coordinator of the “Talk to Them: Women in Astronomy” project and collaborates in several other initiatives aimed at creating female professional role models in science and technology and promoting interest in these areas among students, especially girls.

Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027

This NAEC team is supported by associate NAECs. For more inform on these associate NAECs you can contact the NAEC team contact person Juan Ángel Vaquerizo via juan.vaquerizo​atext.esa.int

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To get in touch with the NAEC team for Spain please contact:
Juan Ángel Vaquerizo via juan.vaquerizo​atext.esa.int

Astronomy Education in Spain

For more information on Astronomy Education in Spain, see the Astronomy Education in Spain document (PDF file 849.90 kB Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) icons) prepared by our NAEC team