The International Astronomical Union is pleased to announce the founding of four new “branch offices” of the Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE): the OAE Center China–Nanjing, the OAE Center India, the OAE Center Egypt and the OAE Node Republic of Korea
The OAE Center Egypt will contribute and support astronomy education in the early stages, locally in Egypt and regionally in Arab region by working in parallel on 5 axes:
- Curriculum development: Cooperation with the Ministry of Education and search together with experts on ways of cooperation to contribute to the development of curricula.
- Organizing training courses: to train teachers and employ various astronomical events and phenomena in teaching astronomy in a practical way.
- Production of educational materials: Writing Arabic booklets and books to simplify the teaching of astronomy, and designing models to explain modern astronomical topics in a simplified manner.
- Translating educational materials: as language is considered a barrier and an obstacle that prevents many teachers and students from deepening their knowledge of astronomy and making it available to them.
- Strengthening the role of the Center at the regional level in the Arabic speaking countries.
Staff list

Somaya Saad
Manager, OAE Center Egypt ; Team Member, NAEC Team - Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
Professor of astrophysics, at Astronomy Dept. National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). Through 2019-2021 acting as president of the IAU-National Egyptian Committee. An active member in the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Manager, OAE Center Egypt ; Team Member, NAEC Team - Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
Professor of astrophysics, at Astronomy Dept. National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). Through 2019-2021 acting as president of the IAU-National Egyptian Committee. An active member in the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Abd El Fady Morcos
Deputy Manager, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
I am an Emirates Prof. at National Research Institute for Astronomy and Geophysics. My fields of research work are relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, exoplanets, night sky and light pollution.
I am a member in IAU, NOC observer, Life member in SGRG, Ambassador of night skies and deputy manager of OAE Center in Egypt. I have 3 simple books in Arabic about astronomy.
Deputy Manager, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
I am an Emirates Prof. at National Research Institute for Astronomy and Geophysics. My fields of research work are relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, exoplanets, night sky and light pollution.
I am a member in IAU, NOC observer, Life member in SGRG, Ambassador of night skies and deputy manager of OAE Center in Egypt. I have 3 simple books in Arabic about astronomy.

Ola Ali
Staff, OAE Center Egypt ; Team Member, NAEC Team - Egypt
Based at National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics
Ola Ali is an assistant researcher at Galaxy lab., astronomy dep., National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics, Egypt since 2013. She previously completed her bachelor's degree in Astronomy at the faculty of science, Cairo University. Right now she is carrying her master's degree in the field of open star clusters, also she is interested in giving lectures to the public about Astronomy.
Staff, OAE Center Egypt ; Team Member, NAEC Team - Egypt
Based at National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics
Ola Ali is an assistant researcher at Galaxy lab., astronomy dep., National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics, Egypt since 2013. She previously completed her bachelor's degree in Astronomy at the faculty of science, Cairo University. Right now she is carrying her master's degree in the field of open star clusters, also she is interested in giving lectures to the public about Astronomy.

Mohamed Said Darwish
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics (NRIAG)
I am Mohamed Darwish, currently, I am working as a researcher at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt. I received my master’s degree in Astrophysics from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt in 2015. During the MSc study, I investigated the physical parameters and evolutionary status of some eclipsing binary systems with a Multi-wavelength photometric study using Kottamia Astronomical Observatory (KAO). I obtained my Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Al-Azhar University in 2021 and with the collaboration of Dr. Anita Richards from the University of Manchester. In my thesis work, I focused on studying high star-forming regions using MASER emissions at high angular resolution radio observations with e-MERLIN interferometer. I have a lot of social activities related to boosting the astronomy culture in my home country, Egypt. Moreover, I am a member of several national and international scientific committees including the African Astronomical Society and the Arab Astronomical Society.“
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics (NRIAG)
I am Mohamed Darwish, currently, I am working as a researcher at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt. I received my master’s degree in Astrophysics from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt in 2015. During the MSc study, I investigated the physical parameters and evolutionary status of some eclipsing binary systems with a Multi-wavelength photometric study using Kottamia Astronomical Observatory (KAO). I obtained my Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Al-Azhar University in 2021 and with the collaboration of Dr. Anita Richards from the University of Manchester. In my thesis work, I focused on studying high star-forming regions using MASER emissions at high angular resolution radio observations with e-MERLIN interferometer. I have a lot of social activities related to boosting the astronomy culture in my home country, Egypt. Moreover, I am a member of several national and international scientific committees including the African Astronomical Society and the Arab Astronomical Society.“

Gad El-Qady
Chairman of the board of managers, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
Prof. of applied Geophysics and president of NRIAG. I am also the head of Arab Society for Astronomy and space science
Chairman of the board of managers, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
Prof. of applied Geophysics and president of NRIAG. I am also the head of Arab Society for Astronomy and space science

Eslam Elhosseiny
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
I am a Researcher Assistant at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt. I earned my master’s degree in Astrophysics at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. It was about open star clusters.
Recently, I became interested in studying the physical properties of the AGNs.
As a specialist in the field of astronomy, I gave some lectures for the public and also participate periodically in the astronomical events coverage for specialists and non-specialists.
One of the most excited moments for me is when I see the surprise in children's eyes because of new knowledge or celestial objects they are seeing for the first time.
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
I am a Researcher Assistant at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt. I earned my master’s degree in Astrophysics at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. It was about open star clusters.
Recently, I became interested in studying the physical properties of the AGNs.
As a specialist in the field of astronomy, I gave some lectures for the public and also participate periodically in the astronomical events coverage for specialists and non-specialists.
One of the most excited moments for me is when I see the surprise in children's eyes because of new knowledge or celestial objects they are seeing for the first time.

Sara Khoodairy
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
Staff, OAE Center Egypt
Based at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics